
Leg 19

June 7th  13.48 to 14.34

cycle from Dundonnell up Destitution Road

Wendy Duigan

Wendy Duigan writes:

Do I want to be a part of the VWMR? Yes yes yes! However under all the enthusiasm I was a bit anxious. I usually just do my activities and trips without too much fuss and attention and now I would be carrying a tracker where the whole world (if they were watching) could see my every move!

A quick word to myself. I am capable and competent, so let's get on with it. There was an important story to tell. I met some of the team at Strathcarron and was a little overwhelmed by what they had achieved so far. I had a great chat with Fran, Sarah, Gill and slowly met the others, who were human, despite these amazing feats of munro running endurance.

So the north of Scotland would be my cycling legs; Jings, I hope I'd packed them!


There had already been some amazing endurance feats performed day after day after day! I was nervous, but also really exciting to be part of such a fantastic venture.

I stood quietly with my bike, far too early, at the change over point near Dundonnel Hotel. It was beautiful weather. I checked over my bike again, tyres, chain, lights. I sat down I stood up. I picked at my teeth with some grass. Then before I knew it Fran and Sue appeared down from an 'teallach. They had a great run. We had a swift changeover and I set off up the hill to meet the next runners. It was only 16miles! My heart and head were ready for this. I loved this short cycle, taking the tracker from A to B and watching the next ladies set off. It was brilliant being part of this venture.

One of my observation was that the squirrel seemed heavy on my handle bars. It was a psychological weight I know, but the responsibility was real.

And so the heavy burden of the squirrel began....


There is no charge for reading this account, but please consider donating to Free to Run, the charity that the ladies ran for.